Newsletter 09/01/24

To our Benefice Friends,

Thank you for your patience with our temporary service pattern. I know some of you are missing having a service in your preferred building every week, but it’s really helping the two of us to get our feet properly under us, and we’re hearing that some of you are enjoying travelling around the benefice. Lisa and I have been looking at our service pattern, and we’re looking to return to two midmorning services every week after the Joint Annual Parochial Church Meeting. This will be on April 14th; do come and hear where we’re at as a community. Meanwhile, we’re posting our services on the new website, ,so you can always check there for updates.

We have lately been applying the House of Bishops instruction that we should not generally be dipping our bread into the wine at Communion. I know this is an uncomfortable shift for some of you, but we have been firmly told that the practice is not hygienic. Sharing a common cup, on the other hand, is not only a profound sign of mutual intimacy, but the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, have reported that the risk of infection is so small that it is undetectable. You can read more here. Anyone who still does not wish to share the common cup, however, may wish to take up the practice of taking the chalice and simply holding it for a moment before returning it, which some have found a helpful symbol of communion.

Lindsay is off to General Synod in a fortnight, so if she’s looking a bit punch-drunk, it’s on account of the number of documents she’s currently wading through! You can find out what the General Synod is up to on the Church of England website— and you can even follow it live if you’re so inclined!

As we approach lent, you might be considering new disciplines, or temporary ones, for lent.Our Lent book is below (at the time of writing eden books has a small discount running), if you want to join us in working our way through an exploration of neighbourly love, and/or you can sign up to our digital candle and have a short piece of scripture as well as something devotional (often a picture or a piece of music) sent to your phone every day. E-mail me for more information.


We’re very grateful to Wendy Ellis, who is taking up the mantle of Safeguarding officer for Penshurst, as well as Lead Recruiter. We also have a new administrator starting with us next month: Tabitha Haysom, who comes to us with a background in PR and is keen to be a welcoming point of contact for the benefice. Tabitha lives locally and was married in the benefice, so she has a real enthusiasm to share with others the support she herself received from us.

Do please talk to Lisa, or any of our Churchwardens, if you think you might be able to fill one of our important roles we also need filling:

Benefice Treasurer;

Benefice Safeguarding Lead, and/or parish safeguarding officer for Chiddingstone;

Benefice Buildings Rep;

Chiddingstone Church Warden;

Joint Council Member in one of the new roles to be formed in the upcoming annual meeting.


Lent Groups

We will be reading Loving My Neighbour together, with our Lent groups meeting each week to discuss the chapter –

Wednesdays, From 21st Feb, 7.30– 9pm hosted by Penshurst Homegroup (more details on our website)

Fridays at Chiddingstone Rectory, 1345 for 2 (note change of time).

All comers welcome!

From our memorial book, we remember with thanksgiving: 


Charles Henry Martin


John M Leigh


Susan Elizabeth Hearle Twallin
Kitty Frances Emma Grayland 
Phyllis Daisy Taylor


Daisy Munro
Alfred Matkins


Peter Godfrey-Fausset
Albert Baker


Ernest Hook


Jo Cotton
Unice Freeman



Gwynneth Eileen Kitchenham

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.

The upcoming services are –


Sunday 11th February : Sunday next before lent

0800 Morning Prayer at Saint Mary’s

1000 Sung Holy Communion at St Peter’s

1600 Forest Church at Walters Green

Ash Wednesday

0915 Ash Wednesday Service led by Fordcombe School at St Peter’s

1800 Ash Wednesday Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes at St Luke’s

1900 A service to celebrate St Valentine’s Day. St Luke’s at St Luke’s.

Sunday 18th February

1000 Sung Holy Communion at St John the Baptist’s

1800 Compline at St Mary’s


Learning and growing: 

Some upcoming courses in the wider diocese - 

A Quiet Day in Lent with space to prayerfully reflect on key moments in Jesus' ministry  

Saturday 24 February 2024 10am - 3pm  

For more information, see the Diocesan website

An Introduction to Christian Meditation  

Saturday 23rd March 2024 10am - 3pm  

at St Benedict’s Centre, West Malling ME196JX  

For more information, see the Diocesan website

 It’s your calling, It’s Your Calling is aimed at those exploring where God may be calling and looks at our journey and the gifts that God has given us, as well as the Biblical understanding of vocation. The day gives an opportunity to meet others on a similar quest and to take time to think where God could be calling.

24th February, St Andrew’s Church Paddock Wood

You will need your incumbent’s approval to attend this event. Please download and complete the booking form that you will receive a link to in your confirmation email. You should return it to the address given at least one week before the event.

 If you know anyone who would like to be added to our weekly mailing, do let us know (and similarly let us know if you’d like to come off, though we’d be sad to see you go). If you’d like to contribute to the work of the benefice, you can go to our parish giving page via the website (we’d be very grateful). 


Best wishes,

Lisa & Lindsay  


Newsletter 17/02/2024


Lent Courses 2024